The Flatirons Golf Course Facility Design Project


The Flatirons Golf Course Facility Design Project is a project facilitated by the City of Boulder Parks and Recreation (BPR) to renovate the existing Pro Shop building, improve the parking lot, and replace the events center that was destroyed in floods in 2013. The new building will include a restaurant, event lawn, indoor restrooms, and other needed amenities.

Completed as a graduate student in the University of Colorado’s Master’s of Urban and Regional Planning program, and at the same time as a staff member of the BPR planning team, I created these graphics using preliminary design ideas by BPR’s consultant, Z-Design Group.

3D rendering of proposed facility building, with an event tent in the lawn and diners sitting outside.
3D rendering of the facility's event lawn and outdoor dining

Sketchup was used to create 3D models of the proposed site layout and preliminary building designs, and then final rendering was completed in Adobe Photoshop.

3D rendering of proposed facility building looking past the golf course at Boulder's Flatirons.
Bird's eye view of the parking lot realignment and new facility next to the existing pro shop.

The illustrated site plan was drawn with Procreate, using Z-Design Group’s proposed layout for reference.


Flyers describing the project for the community were made using Adobe Illustrator.

The elevations are courtesy of Z-Design Group.

Flyer describing the Flatirons Golf Course Facility Design Project, with elevations of new building, the illustrated site plan, and descriptions of proposed amenities.

Park Maps for Boulder Parks and Recreation


Designing Empty Spaces Like Parks